

The International Department is the central service facility for all international activities at and with Humboldt-Universität. From university partnerships to individual mobility, we support university institutions as well as students, researchers, employees and guests. Our services reinforce the international commitment of the faculties and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

Please feel free to contact us, and we will help you unlock the full potential of international cooperation!


Department management

The Vice-Provost drives forward international academic initiatives to expand the global reach of the research and teaching activities at Humboldt-Universität. He negotiates agreements with partners, welcomes high-ranking international delegations and represents Humboldt-Universität at comparable institutions worldwide.

Welcome Centre

From abroad and at Humboldt-Universität? The Welcome Centre team is here to help: We can advise you on study options and research stays, support you when you arrive and offer a variety of networking, training and wellbeing events. We will also be happy to assist you with the administrative steps involved in moving to Humboldt-Universität.

Humboldt International Campus (HIC)

The Humboldt International Campus (HIC) brings international short-term programmes under one roof. A variety of formats enable students from all over the world to study or complete internships in Berlin – from a two-week summer course, a three-month research project or intensive language courses to a four-month interdisciplinary study or internship in politics.

Global Mobility

Whether you want to go abroad to study, for an internship, a teaching or research stay, or further training – the Global Mobility team is here to support you. We manage the Erasmus+ programme as well as the direct exchange through university partnerships around the world and support the faculties of Humboldt-Universität in their international collaborations.

Erasmus+ mobility with Programme Countries (Europe)

Erasmus+ Partner Countries (worldwide)

Worldwide mobility

    • Dr. An­na Bröm­mer

      Programme coordinator worldwide (Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Latin America, Eastern Europe) | Circle U.

      Global Mobility Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2245a an­na.broem­ +49 30 2093 46705
    • Han­nah Zoller

      Internationalisation of graduate training | short term mobility for doctoral candidates

      Global Mobility Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2266 han­ +49 30 2093 20083
    • Katha­ri­na König

      Programme coordinator worldwide (Asia, Australia, Africa) | PROMOS Programme to increase the Mobility of Students from German Universities

      Global Mobility Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2245a katha­ri­ +49 30 2093 46728
    • Kath­leen Zie­mann-Beck

      Student advisor, worldwide exchange programmes | PROMOS Programme to increase the Mobility of Students from German Universities

      Global Mobility Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2245a kath­leen.zie­ +49 30 2093 46749

International and European science cooperation, profile partnerships and strategic development

Humboldt-Universität maintains and develops strategic partnerships and networks in Europe and around the world. The employees of the Academic Cooperation Office support the initiation of collaborations with our strategic partner universities, offer assistance with contract management and advise on how to deal with sensitive collaborations. Get in touch!

Communication and protocol

We are the first point of contact for embassies and international delegations. If you would like to visit the university management team or the International Department from a foreign mission or with a delegation, please contact us. We also manage external communication for the International Department on our website, on Instagram and through our newsletter.