5.1.2 Health insurance coverage

All students are required to provide proof of health insurance coverage when matriculating (► 4.3). You obtain this document from a German statutory health insurance.

Every matriculated student up to the age of 30 is entitled to obtain health insurance coverage from one of the recognised statutory health insurance providers in Germany at a special student rate. The current premium for health and long term care insurance is around € 110 per month. The contribution amount is calculated according to the BAföG rates and is regularly reviewed.

If a student has in justified cases a private health insurance coverage, a German statutory health insurance company may grant exemption from the compulsory insurance coverage in Germany. You can apply and obtain the exemption from a German statutory health insurance.

Humboldt-Universität cooperates with recognised statutory health insurance providers, AOK, BARMER, DAK and Die Techniker, which maintain special contact partners for students who are generally present during matriculation:

AOK Nordost - die Gesundheitskasse
Christopher Manicke
Warschauer Str. 5
10243 Berlin

Phone: (+49 331) 27 72-24632
Phone: 0800 26 50 80-24632 (free of charge in Germany)
E-Mail: christopher.manicke@nordost.aok.de
Web: www.aok.de/internationalstudents

Julia Melchior
Kurfürstenstr. 84
10787 Berlin

Phone: 0800 333004 101-241 (gebührenfrei in Deutschland)
Mobile: (+49) 151 11 30 28 35
E-Mail: julia melchior@barmer.de
Web: www.barmer.de

DAK Gesundheit
Jessica Meschkat
Brückenstr. 5a
10179 Berlin

Phone: (+49 711) 47 07 97 11 11
E-Mail: jessica.meschkat@dak.de
Web: www.dak.de

Die Techniker
Lutz Matuschke
Phone: (+49 40) 460 65 10 37 07

E-Mail: lutz.matuschke@tk.de
Web: www.tk.de/TK for students

Free choice of medical care is guaranteed for insured students. Names and addresses of physicians and medical specialists are available from classified telephone directories (sorted according to specialist area) and online. Here you will find the official site of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians as well as doctor and psychotherapist searches of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Berlin.

Whenever a doctor is consulted, the chip card (or if no chip card is issued the replacing medical treatment certificate) of the respective insurance company or the European Health Insurance Card - EHIC ( 4.3) must be presented. More detailed information on benefits, co-payment/fees and treatments can be found in the leaflet issued by the German healthcare head organisation GKV. 

Further information on health care insurance for international students is available in multiple languages from the Krankenkassen-Zentrale (KKZ) and from Deutsche Insurance.